What’s really changed after COVID?

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In the thick of the COVID crisis, many pundits predicted how we do business would change forever. Now, a year after the official end of the COVID emergency, I’ve been thinking about what, if anything, is really different here at Algood. I’m usually skeptical about what the so-called experts say, but I have to admit, […]

Profit vs Quality: Boeing vs Algood

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Recent events at Boeing are a cautionary tale for every manufacturer. They bring to life the ever-present tension between quality and profitability. That’s a very narrow path to navigate. Fall on one side, and your financial fortunes suffer. Falling on the other side puts your reputation – and, in the case of Boeing, lives at risk.

Mixed Signals

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Here in Toronto, as we enter the third quarter, the weather has turned dramatically colder. It feels like autumn. That may be the clearest signal facing us. The economy, global politics, the caster industry and even our own customers are all sending mixed signals. You are likely facing some of the same unpredictability. In the […]

The Three E's Keeping Me Up

Three E’s are Keeping Me Awake

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I monitor economic news and insights very closely. It’s part of my daily media routine and there are several people whose opinions I seek out and follow. Based on all that, there are three interconnected E’s that are keeping me awake lately. The situation in Europe, the impending global energy crisis and the economy all have my full attention these days. I’m concerned but I’m also very confident that Algood will remain strong.

Our Employees – Our Greatest Investment

Our Greatest Investment

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While everyone in the manufacturing sector and the business world is consumed with news about inflation, supply chain and the lingering pandemic, I’m concerned about something far more important – the physical and mental well-being of our employees. They are our most valuable asset and we are doing everything we can to help them and protect them.

Forget AI – Give me a Person!

Forget AI. Give me a Person!

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I love technology. I am an Apple junkie with my iPad, iMac, iPhone and Apple Watch. I only read magazines using a device. My iPhone wakes me up in the morning and my watch tells me how well I slept. But despite my infatuation with the world of tech, I’m the first person to acknowledge that there are skills and knowledge that cannot be replaced by the microchip. No matter what advances are made in artificial intelligence, there are things that only I or another human being can do.

Two Takes on Tariffs

Two Takes on Tariffs

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It seems like every business conversation I have these days is somehow connected to tariffs. Whether it’s our customers, colleagues or our competitors, the current tariffs, and the looming 25% surcharge at the end of the year, are having a huge impact on the caster business.

Walking the Talk, Literally

Walking the Talk, Literally

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I take a walk every morning that is absolutely critical but has nothing to do with exercise. My morning walkthrough of our manufacturing facility is the most important 20-25 minutes of my day. This is the walk that makes sure we’re walking the talk and fulfilling the commitments we make to our customers every day.

This is a Dangerous Business

This is a Dangerous Business

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When I heard about the recent criminal conviction of a site manager whose negligence took the lives of three employees, it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I was incensed at the fact that someone in a management position would risk the lives of workers in order to save time […]

1 (800) 254-6633

Algood Casters has manufactured, designed and developed industrial and specialty casters, brakes and wheels since 1969, in capacities from 25 to 65,000 lbs.