Size Matters

Choosing the Right Wheel Size

Choosing the right size wheel may not be quite as easy as you would think. This issue of CasterU will fill you in on some of the finer points in selecting the size that will be optimal for your caster application.
There are two key considerations in choosing the right size wheel – diameter and thread width.


The diameter is measured from one side of the wheel to the opposite side with the wheel lying flat, ensuring that measuring device passes over the centre of the wheel.

Generally, the larger the wheel size, the greater the capacity and that’s the major criterion in determining what the diameter of the wheel should be. However, there are a number of other things to consider. Larger diameters will allow wheels to more easily traverse uneven floors, doorways, diamond plate, and dock level thresholds.

Larger diameters will also improve the rollability of a caster, with less push-pull energy required. So, while a 6” wheel may provide the capacity you need, you may want to consider a larger diameter if floor conditions and ergonomics are a factor.

That makes sense but here’s another thing to think about. Increasing the diameter of a wheel decreases its stability. Larger wheels make for taller carts and can change their loading characteristics, because they move the center of mass higher, which makes it easier for loads to tip.

Ultimately making the right choice is finding the perfect balance between capacity, rollability and stability.

Tread Width

To measure the width, stand the wheel upright and measure from the outside of one side to the outside of the other.

As is the case with diameter, increasing tread width will increase the capacity of a wheel.

Increasing tread width is also a way to compensate for challenges with diameter. For example, if the overall height of the wheel is limited by the space in which it is being used, you can increase capacity by increasing the tread width. Also, a way of correcting for the instability resulting from larger diameters (mentioned above) is for the wheel to have greater surface contact. That can be done by increasing tread width.

Another major consideration in determining the optimal tread width is load distribution or capacity per square inch. There are some applications where that measurement is very important. For example, the membrane of the cargo hold in an airplane has a critical capacity/square inch threshold. Exceeding that threshold may cause the shell to rupture. You can increase the load distribution (and reduce the capacity/area) by increasing the tread width of a wheel. You can also use double the number of wheels, providing twice as much load distribution.

Manoeuvrability is also a factor. Wheel sizes with narrower tread widths have less surface touching the ground and will therefore be easier to turn.

So, there you have it – a simple guide to specifying the right wheel by finding the perfect balance between diameter and tread width. Because, ultimately size does matter.

If you need help determining the right size wheel for your application, contact your Algood Sales Rep or reach out to our customer service team by email or by phone at +1 (800) 254-6633.

Forget AI – Give me a Person!

Forget AI. Give me a Person!

I love technology. I am an Apple junkie with my iPad, iMac, iPhone and Apple Watch. I only read magazines using a device. My iPhone wakes me up in the morning and my watch tells me how well I slept. But despite my infatuation with the world of tech, I’m the first person to acknowledge that there are skills and knowledge that cannot be replaced by the microchip. No matter what advances are made in artificial intelligence, there are things that only I or another human being can do.

In my personal life, the limits of technology are also pretty clear. I haven’t found a computer yet that can figure out which way the wind is blowing and then hit a tee shot so that it lands in the centre of the fairway a hundred yards from the pin. Hell, I can barely do that. No technology will replace the thrill of attending a Raptors game or any other live sporting event. Even with my tech swag, I’m still taking out the garbage and walking the dog.

In the business of caster manufacturing we have automated huge parts of our production. As I have written about before, those advances didn’t eliminate jobs in our company. Rather, they changed what we need people to do. For example, while the new CNC lathe we purchased will expedite production, we had to hire someone to program it in the first place.

Personally I get involved in a guess-timating element of production planning and that cannot possibly be replaced by artificial intelligence. We proactively anticipate customer requirements based on a combination of market trends, buying patterns, and personal interactions. And, we usually get it right so that we are almost always able to meet our customers’ needs.

In addition, there are functions that only a person can fulfill. When someone calls our customer service department, they want to speak to a person – someone who can provide solutions based on a unique set of requirements. In fact one of our distributors advised us not to include too much automation in the new website we will launch next year because, beyond a certain point, it will take a person to find the best caster or wheel to meet his needs.

That’s also the reason we have resisted having an automated attendant answer our phones. Despite the efficiency, we know that our customers enjoy talking to real, live, human beings.

The best quality assurance systems can’t replace what happens when someone looks at and touches a caster to make sure it’s what the customer ordered and has been manufactured to standards. And here’s one for you. Find me a computer that is going to load a truck so that it’s organized to match a delivery route.

It seems to me that the key to technological success is a combination of embracing what computers can do and, at the same time, recognizing their limitations. At the end of the day, there are some things I will never want an AI driven matrix of microchips to do for me. Sometimes, you just need a person.

The Heavyweights

Heavy-Duty Steel Wheels

Like most heavyweights, steel wheels are not the quietist or the smoothest, but they are absolutely the strongest and if you have an ultra high capacity application, steel wheels are likely your only choice. There are different types of steel wheels and to help you to make an educated buying decision, in this issue of CasterU, we present a short primer on steel wheels.

In addition to be the strongest available wheels, steel wheels are also the hardest. As a result there is very little traction with floor surfaces making them easier to push and pull. On the downside, steel wheels are noisy, prone to vibration and will damage floor surfaces.

These are some of your steel wheel options.


Steel or Semi-Steel Wheels
Algood steel wheels are made from pig iron which is a semi-finished metal produced from iron ore in a blast furnace and containing high amounts of carbon. Pig iron is then further refined in a furnace for conversion into steel. The wheels are formed through a casting process in which metal is heated until liquid and then poured into a mould.

The capacity of Steel wheels  is 2,500 lbs. They are porous and prone to chipping and cracking but are the most economical choice in steel wheels.

Ductile Iron Wheels
Also known as ductile cast iron, is a type of graphite-rich cast iron. It has much more impact and fatigue resistance because of the graphite and in particular because the of nodular shape of the graphite that is used. Ductile iron wheels are also formed using a casting process. 
The capacity of Ductile Iron wheels is 15,000 lbs. They are less porous than steel wheels but are still susceptible to cracking and chipping. They are more expensive than steel wheels.

Crowned Ductile Iron Wheel: W-9108-DIC-TB-.75 [Red]

Forged Steel Wheels
Forged Steel is an alloy of carbon and iron that is compressed under extreme pressure to make a very hard and strong substance. In the forging process heat or force is applied to steel billets or ingots, causing the material to change shape while in a solid state. The resulting highly compressed material is exceptionally strong.
The capacity of Forged Steel wheels is, at minimum, a whopping 20,000 lbs. They are not porous and are virtually failure-free. Not surprisingly these wheels are the most expensive steel wheel option.

V-Groove Wheels
V-Groove wheels can be made from either cast iron steel or forged steel. They are manufactured with a groove that guides the wheel along a track and are often used to support entrance gates or vault doors.

304 V Groove Wheel: W-7006-VG304-1.188 [Steel Grey]
304 Wheel: W-7008-304-1.188 [Steel Grey]

304 Stainless Steel Wheels
Stainless Steel is a mixture of steel and a minimum of 10.5% chromium. The chromium keeps the steel from oxidizing, rusting, and corroding. Stainless steel wheels are made from round bars of stainless steel material that are lathed to form wheels and are then machined for tread and diameter. 

Stainless wheels are moisture resistant and, unlike all other steel wheels, they will not rust. That makes them ideal for applications that are subject to the elements such as agriculture as well as food, medical and pharmaceutical environments. They will wear better than ductile iron but not as well as forged steel and are in the mid to high price range.

If you need help determining which of these heavy-duty caster will meet your needs, contact your Algood Sales Rep or reach out to our customer service team by email or by phone at +1 (800) 254-6633.

Two Takes on Tariffs

Two Takes on Tariffs

It seems like every manufacturing conversation I have these days is somehow connected to tariffs. Whether it’s our customers, colleagues or our competitors, the current tariffs, and the looming 25% surcharge at the end of the year, are having a huge impact on the caster business. Many of the people I speak to are frustrated and see the tariffs as a kind of destructive doomsday. While I hear them and sympathize, there are clearly two sides to the tariff situation.

Let’s back up a step. Earlier this year, President Trump imposed a 10% tariff on imported goods from China including steel, casters and caster components. Subsequently he announced plans to increase those tariffs to 25% on January 1- and that’s what’s really got the industry in an uproar.

Importers are scrambling to get product landed by the end of the year. That means they are behind on completing orders. With transit time from the China of at least four weeks, we are about a month away from last day to produce goods that can be sold at the pre-tariff cost. That’s causing chaos. Beyond that, they must re-conceive post 2018 business models that will see a huge portion of their bottom line stripped away.

Suppliers that both import from overseas and manufacture in the U.S. are working furiously to re-align their operations and quickly increase their on-shore production capacity. That’s kind of like turning a cruise liner. It doesn’t happen fast and they are not able to respond to the demand. In addition, I hear that some manufacturers are having trouble finding qualified staff to support the intended production increases.

Distributors may no longer have stable supply chains. Their vendors are raising prices and restricting delivery. That’s not a good combination. Fabricators who use casters as part of a finished product are in an even more tenuous position. They have quoted and provided delivery dates on goods but with the chaos in the caster market, are at risk of being late and above budget. That’s also not a good combination.

While all of this is playing havoc with the industry and there will certainly be companies that become casualties, there is a clear upside to the situation. For years, the reshoring movement struggled to convince companies to bring manufacturing back to North America. But the unbelievably low prices on imported goods were irresistible to a competitive marketplace where small differences in price accounted for huge differences in sales and profit. The tariffs will do what moral and patriotic arguments could not. When the storm subsides, there will be more casters being manufactured in North America, which means more jobs, more investment and more growth. There will be lots of short term pain but it’s very possible – maybe even likely – that it will be overshadowed by the long term gain.

For us at Algood, there is a bit of a boon in all this. Our products are not subject to tariffs and we have a fully integrated manufacturing facility in Toronto. We can deliver product that meets very specific requirements at competitive prices and in very favourable timelines. That is making us an attractive option for distributors and fabricators. We’re getting new business and we’re not complaining.

It’s distressing to me when I talk to our distributors and other customers who feel trapped by the current state of affairs. As a business owner, I empathize with their frustration and deep concern for their businesses. Unquestionably this is a situation that sucks for many companies and many employees. I feel their pain.

And then there’s the other side. That’s the real possibility that all this will lead to a renewed, healthy and vibrant North American manufacturing sector and increased demand for casters and wheels produced on-shore.

I guess there really are two sides to the tariff tale.

Walking the Talk, Literally

Walking the Talk, Literally

I take a walk every morning that is absolutely critical, but has nothing to do with exercise. My morning walkthrough of our manufacturing facility is the most important 20-25 minutes of my day. This is the walk that makes sure we’re walking the talk and fulfilling our quality casters commitment we make to our customers every day.

Our ability to deliver high quality casters & wheels on time is the lifeline of our business and the morning walk-through is my opportunity to get an unfiltered, first-hand look at how we’re doing. And because I take my walk with our VP of manufacturing, our plant manager and our quality control manager, key production decisions get made on the spot. No one can say, “I’ll get back to you on that” and there’s no room for procrastination.

The walk-through keeps me in touch with the heart of our business. It’s my summary of the day and it keeps me in touch with our production activity. The route I take through the plant is always the same.

The first stop is Injection Moulding where I check to see which moulds are running, spot check some of the wheels that are waiting for assembly and check cycle times.

The next stop is Welding – our two robotic stations and our hand-welding centre. There, I’m looking at changeovers, cycle times and taking a close look to make sure the quality of the hand welding is up to our standards.

Then, it’s on to Stamping to see what’s on the presses, check the accuracy of the stamped parts, and look closely at the finish of the steel.

After that comes Assembly where it’s just a matter of seeing what’s being finished and doing the occasional quality spot-check.

Testing is last. What’s on the machines?  How are they measuring up? Are we using testing procedures that will provide the data to match up with customer requirements?

The walk-through has other benefits. We take a close look at equipment and machinery, making sure it’s operating properly and being maintained well. We make sure that employees are using safe practices with the right protection. Likewise, it’s a chance to make sure that there’s a safe working environment with clear aisles and clean floors. Although it sounds trivial, it’s an opportunity to say Good Morning to our staff and let them see that we take a personal interest in what they are doing and their well-being.

The point of the walk-through isn’t to micro-manage. It’s the way I fulfill my responsibility as an owner and the president of the company. An important part of what differentiates Algood in the marketplace is that we’re not owned by a corporate conglomerate and that our management is hands-on. Walking the talk every day is the way we maintain our commitment to our customers and has been a huge part of our success for almost 50 years.

Betting on Research & Development

Betting on Research & Development

New product development is in some ways a really expensive betting game. It comes with a price tag of $30,000 to $200,000 excluding capital costs. That means we need to be really confident about the decisions we make. Also, when developing a custom caster, customers are looking for aggressive timelines. In many cases, we go from concept to engineering, design and prototyping in three to six weeks. Beyond the cost, that requires a tremendous amount of resources to be dedicated to one project.

So, the question is given the high stakes involved, how do you decide on which products to develop and which are a pass?  The answer to that question often has a lot to do with where the product idea is coming from. From my perspective with almost 30 years of experience in caster manufacturing, there are four sources of new product ideas.

  1. Customer Driven. There are many occasions when customers bring us unique specs and requirements that can only be met by developing a new product. Obviously, in these cases, we need to evaluate whether the development cost will be offset by the sales potential. But you’ve also got to consider the relationship value. We always do our best to support our customers and provide them with the products they need to develop markets and opportunities.  Sometimes, the application or environment in which the caster will be used presents a unique opportunity that we want to be a part of. A great example that meets all of these conditions is the Hero caster we developed last year. I’m proud to say it is now being used in the most state of the art healthcare settings. It also helped to cement our relationship with our customer and we believe it is a caster of the future with tremendous sales potential.

  2. Market Driven. Sometimes all you have to do is listen. I spend a tremendous amount of time on the road meeting with customers and distributor partners. In fact over the next three weeks, I have 15-18 appointments lined up. I’m always asking customers for their opinions and what they’re looking for. When you hear the same thing often enough, it could be a good indication that there is a product that needs to be developed. We made the investment to develop the Freedom – a moldon urethane wheel with an aluminum core – based on many different customers telling us “it would be great to have a crowned tread wheel that was really versatile with lots of capacity.” The orders that have followed validated that decision and we believe there will be even more sales growth in the future.

  3. Hunches. It’s true. Sometimes you‘ve just got a feeling that new product development is going to pay off. We developed our RollX™ nylon glass filled wheels based on little more than an inkling that the market would respond. We saw a similar material being used in much smaller wheels but this wasn’t just a matter of copying an existing product. I have always maintained that if we can’t make a product better, we’re not going to make it at all. We knew it would take significant resources to dramatically improve the product and develop it into something with the potential for wider use. We committed to experimenting with different materials and the accompanying testing. At the same time, our design and engineering teams worked on innovative moulds that would minimize weight while creating a great looking wheel. In the end, the hunch paid off. We’re getting very positive response to RollX and Lava, its sister high temperature wheel, and as more customers hear about it and see it, the sales potential climbs.

  4. Natural Growth. There are times when products take on a life of their own and need to be supported with continued development. Last year we developed new sizes for our Protech treaded wheels in response to customer requests and because it was a natural evolution for the product. This year, we have developed a new 3” tread widths for our RollX wheels and will soon be releasing new sizes for the same reasons.

In the final analysis, a huge part of our success over the past 47 years is a result of our commitment to new product development. It’s expensive and time consuming and not every new idea is successful. But it seems to me that to continually meet the needs of customers and respond to the market, you have no choice but to be product driven. Success, on the other hand, is a matter of sensing potential, being smart and just plain listening.

If you have an idea for a new caster or wheel product that will help your business expand or make your operation more productive, I’m ready to listen. Please contact me.

Competition in the Rear View Mirror

Competition in the Rear View Mirror

At Algood our competition keeps us on our toes but over the years we have learned that the best way to compete is to do what we do best and the best way to view our competitors is in the rear view mirror. Here are six ways in which we think about competition.

  1. Competition can be a motivating factor. There are actually two ways in which competition can be a positive influence. On one hand, we will often combine competitive influences with our own capacity for innovation to create new products or improve existing ones. On the other hand, the practices of our competitors sometimes provide a guide in how not to do business. I am frequently shocked by the quality and deliverability standards of many of our competitors.
  2. I take no comfort in negative comments about our competitors. Increasingly I am hearing more negative comments about our competitors from both distributors and OEMs. In fact, there have been times when I have witnessed a caster company being totally trashed by a customer or prospective customer. Believe it or not, I take no satisfaction in hearing those comments. If anything I am saddened by them because, to some degree, a negative comment about one company is a statement about the whole industry.
  3. We have no desire to mimic our competition. We can learn from our competition. We are humble enough to understand that everyone is this business has the potential to teach us something. But we have to be true to our values and the high standards to which we are committed. For example, I would never ask our sales team to be like the salespeople of our competitors. We breed our representatives to be true castersmiths that combine rich knowledge with impeccable principles.
  4. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. My father taught me that when another producer knocks off one of our products, to take it as a compliment. Frankly, it doesn’t bother me at all when we are copied. If anything it is validation that we are providing the right products to the marketplace.
  5. We understand the pressures of pricing. We understand that project budgets are critical and that cost-savings are a huge contributor to business success. We work closely with our customers to deliver the right product at the right price. However there are times when we are asked to match a competitor’s quote and our most responsible response is to pass. If matching a competitor’s price means putting our quality standards at risk or, in any way, not being able to deliver a product of which we are proud, it’s not worth it – no matter how much we want to help or how big the project.
  6. Achieving excellence is the most effective approach to competition. We can never stand still and never be complacent. If we focus on using our integrated manufacturing facility to always be innovating to truly meet the needs of our customers; if we dedicate ourselves to producing the highest quality product and delivering it on time; and if we bend over backwards to service our customers to death, we will always be in the driver’s seat – viewing our competition in the rear view mirror.
This is a Dangerous Business

This is a Dangerous Business

When I heard about the recent criminal conviction of a site manager whose negligence took the lives of three employees, it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I was incensed at the fact that someone in a management position would risk the lives of workers in order to save time or money. And I was reminded that manufacturing is a dangerous business that imposes an almost sacred responsibility on management for the safety of workers.

That may sound funny. People wouldn’t ordinarily view manufacturing casters as a dangerous occupation. The reality is that our employees work every day with all kinds of machinery that exerts huge amounts of force. If the equipment is mishandled or if a malfunction is not responded to properly, then injuries can happen. Believe me, I’ve seen my share of minor mishaps and even one or two serious incidents – and they are not pretty.

Safety is always top of mind for me. It’s always on my agenda and here’s what we are doing about protecting the safety of our staff.

Daily Walk-Through. Every day at 7:15 am, I’m accompanied by our VP of Manufacturing, our Plant Manager and our Quality Assurance Manager on a full walk through of the plant. While production is a large part of our focus, I am always watching out for matters of safety. Are employees wearing the correct safety gear? Are the exits clear? Are aisles uncluttered? Is machinery being used properly? If I see anything that is amiss, it gets dealt with immediately.

Health & Safety Committee. Just having such a committee isn’t a big deal but fully vesting it with independent authority is. The majority of our Health & Safety Committee members are employees, not management. And yet they have tremendous responsibility for the ongoing safety in our plant. They meet regularly, conduct their own frequent walkthroughs and create policy. I purposely stay at arms length from the Committee because even the tiniest possibility that safety would be sacrificed  – or be perceived to have been sacrificed – for any financial purpose is reprehensible.

Incident Response. When something goes wrong, I want to understand what happened in complete detail. On occasion I have spent hours reviewing video from the plant floor in order to be fully understand the cause of  – and the response to – a safety situation. Ultimately, it’s never just one factor that leads to an accident. There are always numerous cascading causes and being able to trace the root of the problem is critical.

Communicate. When it comes to safety there is a straight line from the factory floor to my office. I want to know about anything that is having an effect on the safety of our staff.  When something goes wrong, I personally speak with the production team involved. The point of the conversation is not to criticize or berate but rather to determine the steps that will make sure the problem never re-occurs. At full staff gatherings, it’s important that I’m the one who speaks about the importance of safety so that our employees understand that it’s an absolute priority.

Whenever I hear about a worker that is seriously injured or God forbid dies on the job, I am mortified. Every one of those incidents is preventable and I often think that if company owners or managers had been less concerned with profit and more concerned with safety, the incident would never have occurred.

At Algood our greatest investment is our employees and we will do whatever it takes to keep that investment safe and secure.

You Can't Replace Face to Face

You Can’t Replace Face-to-Face

I will travel across continents to see a customer. With so many modes of communication at my disposal it seems crazy. I could call, email, chat or even video-conference without leaving my office. On top of that business travel can be very challenging with all its lines,  weather, flight and mechanical delays. Based on all that you might wonder why I would fly 3,000 miles for just one meeting. The answer is simple. You can’t replace face-to-face.

The truth is that I really enjoy personally meeting valued customers. It’s an opportunity to watch someone’s reaction as they handle a sample or sense their excitement as they talk about their business. It’s often a great way to help entrepreneurs see the potential that exists within their own customer relationships. Meeting someone face-to-face is doing business in real time and its very powerful.

At Algood, our casters are more than just a commodity. Every one of them includes the people that stand behind the product. When I meet with a customer, he or she  is literally seeing the face of Algood. With every commitment that is made, I am putting my personal reputation on the line.

Increasingly, our customers are being confronted by the erosion of good vendors. Loyalty is being replaced by opportunism. Customer service can’t compete with corporate sustainability. Our customers are in the trenches, day in and day out – trying to develop, build, sell, and provide – and they need a supply partner they can trust, that has their back and will stand behind a product. When I take the time to travel to see a customer, the message is clearly that Algood is taking the long view. We want to build relationships and establish trust. We’re looking for CFL – Customers for Life.

Being on site provide unique opportunities. I can meet with a group of sales reps or product engineers or buyers and give them first-hand explanations of caster design and engineering – or introduce them to a new product line. While it may be expensive to bring all those people together, the benefit of the personal interaction outweighs the cost.

Often times, I’m able to accompany customers on a visit to their customer’s work site and see first-hand the conditions in which a caster has to perform. When I am able to personally see the environment in which casters are being operated and truly understand the objectives that are not being met, it makes all the difference in the world. I can personally guide the design and engineering of products that will better meet the end-user’s needs, which, in turn, establishes our customer as a trusted supplier.

My personal interaction proves that we understand that a customer is more than just specifications and requirements – more than just an order. My visits are an opportunity to learn more about the people, not the companies, who are our customers. It also demonstrates that Algood casters are more than just product. They are our craft and our livelihood and I am proud to sit with customers and talk about the casters and wheels we manufacture in North America.

There’s no better feeling than the one that comes from completing a sale in person. While there are dozens of ways to complete and execute agreements, there is something irreplaceable about shaking someone’s hand. It embodies the mutual trust that is part of our customer relationships and it represents the promise that we make when we provide our products.

Frankly, getting out on the road and meeting with customers is just good business. And it leads to more business because being there is no substitute for being face-to-face.

I’m always looking for opportunities to meet with customers. If you would like to have a personal meeting please feel free to contact me.

Nice Guys Finish First

Nice Guys Finish … First

What does being the first to bring a product to market say about a company? Some might say it’s creative or innovative. Others might conclude it invests significantly in R&D. Still others might see that company as highly competitive. All of those things might be true, but from my perspective in the caster industry, being the first to introduce a new product means that you have powerful relationships with your customers – and that Leo Durocher was wrong when he said, “Nice guys finish last.”

All of the industry-firsts that we have developed were in response to customer requirements. For me, the most impressive example of that was when Algood was the first to put hub caps on casters.

At the time, thread guards were all the rage. Everyone was putting them on casters to protect them from dirt and debris. But they weren’t very attractive. We had a customer in the store fixture business that was working on a new display that needed to be totally outstanding. In fact, he told us he wanted a wheel on the casters that would make people say, “WOW!” So, we set out to satisfy our customer and break new ground.

The inspiration came, as it often does, in a very ordinary moment. I was in the car with one of our sales reps and noticed the great looking wheels on the car beside us. “That’s it!” I said. “We should we put hub caps on those casters and make them look as cool as that car.”

It had never been done before which meant we had to do tons of research. I went to the SEMA auto products show and came back with catalogues and magazines. Our design and engineering teams explored all the possibilities. We developed a number of designs and processes and worked with the customer to narrow choices. In the end, we came up with an industry-first, created a gorgeous caster and had a customer who was simply ecstatic.

The other great thing about this project was that it demonstrated how casters can contribute to the overall aesthetic of a product. So often casters are an afterthought. We’ve seen many situations where casters aren’t even included in the product specs. Then we get a panicked call from a buyer, engineer or product manager either needing casters in a real hurry or having to meet some unusual spec – or both. It was wonderful to work with a customer who saw the caster as an essential part of the product.

Of course, other caster producers tried to copy the WOW hub cap but none of them matched the quality and attention to detail. We are used to having our products copied. It goes with the territory. On more than one occasion, I’ve been in offshore manufacturing facilities and have seen exact replicas of one of our proprietary products being made. It’s frustrating for sure, but I prefer to see imitation as the highest form of flattery.

The truth is that, in some ways, we are always creating new products. With our integrated manufacturing facility we have almost unlimited resources at our disposal. We routinely modify existing products with new moulds, dies and stampings. Our 3D printing station allows us to go beyond visioning and be able to closely examine prototypes. Whether it’s custom stems, modified top plates or unique braking systems, we are always innovating. These products and components may not be as sexy as hub caps, but they are just as much a result of our dedication to meeting customer requirements.

Product innovation also makes our casters less of a commodity. It’s great for us to be able to quickly satisfy buyers with “off the shelf” products that can be delivered quickly. On the other hand, our customers know that we have the unique capability to create configurations that don’t exist in any company’s catalogue.

Ultimately being the first to market with a product is a result of putting your customers first. When you value your customers you’re prepared to innovate to meet their requirements. In turn, they value your commitment and creativity. When that happens you’re both number one.

Algood Blog: Wheels Revealed: We're Not Clucking Around

We’re Not Clucking Around

In this issue of Wheels Revealed, as we continue our quest to find unusual and little-known caster applications, we have arrived at chickens. Yes, chickens.

When you think of a chicken farm or chicken eggs being hatched, you might conjure up a quaint image of hens clucking cheerfully in a coup as they sit on their eggs, waiting patiently for chicks to hatch.

That’s not the way it works in the multi-billion dollar food processing industry. Modern food processing plants require steady, consistent and extremely plentiful sources of chickens. To accommodate that, sophisticated equipment is used to provide the perfect environment and conditions to allow eggs to hatch in 21 days. Temperature and humidity are carefully controlled in a sterile environment. Eggs are loaded in trays and trays are assembled on racks that are wheeled into the equipment. The racks are outfitted with wiring that allows each tray to be turned (or really pivoted) to facilitate the hatching process. Some racks are also equipped with water lines to assist with humidity. Once the chicks have hatched, both the racks and the incubator have to be thoroughly cleaned and sterilized.


All of this requires casters to facilitate the movement of the racks. In addition, customized casters are often required. For example, we have created custom top plates with holes to accommodate the wiring and plumbing lines needed to reach each tray. We have also custom matched smaller wheel sizes to particular rigs in order to reduce overall height but maintain the needed capacity. In some cases, a channel system is used to move racks into the incubator and ensure that the racks are consistently spaced. That requires grooved wheels to match the channel. In all cases, casters and wheels have to be manufactured using materials that can be washed down and disinfected as is the case with our NSF approved products.

When someone looks at highly sophisticated incubating equipment, it’s almost certain they won’t notice the casters and yet, without the casters, the whole process would literally come to a halt.

In some of these plants, those casters are allowing as many as one million chicks being hatched each week. So, when it comes to casters and hatching chickens, we are clearly not clucking around.

The Law of LeBron

Watching this year’s NBA playoffs was disappointing (to say the least) as a Toronto Raptors fan, but ultimately there were lessons to be learned from watching all those games – not just in basketball, but in business as well. One of those is that you’ve always got to close the deal and the other is what I call the Law of LeBron. It’s always tempting to believe that one superstar player is going to single-handedly win the championship or that an incredibly talented individual or a sensational department is going to carry the whole company to success. But the Law of Lebron confirms those things aren’t true and that it takes a well balanced team or company to win the day.

Boston and Houston were each within a heartbeat of an appearance in the finals but they couldn’t close the deal. They each had a moment in game seven when they could have put the game and the series out of reach for the Cavaliers and the Warriors respectively. But they couldn’t finish.

There are so many times in business when you need the extra effort to perfect a design, to find a solution, to think out of the box, to deliver a little sooner or to make the sale. Take your foot off the pedal and you open the door to failure. There’s lots of stuff going on every day and it can be easy to lose focus or to be convinced that 80% is good enough. The caster business is incredibly competitive. Forget about having to beat one other team. There are many, many companies that would be only too happy to scoop up what we leave unfinished. Our success has been built on always going the extra mile for our customers. Whether that’s manufacturing and delivering 72,000 casters in 45 days or designing the caster that finally solves a nagging ergonomic problem, we are always finishing.

LeBron played brilliantly making highlight reel plays that were often unbelievable and setting playoff records in about a dozen categories. But clearly it wasn’t enough and this year’s playoffs demonstrated that one player, even the best player of a generation, doesn’t make a team and can’t deliver the ultimate win.

How many times have you seen the hotshot salesperson who is convinced that he alone is responsible for the company’s good fortunes and the people in planning, production and fulfillment don’t do anything special? What’s even worse is the opposite situation – a company that has pinned all its hopes on one person. What’s true of individuals is also true of departments. Apple’s design team may have basked in the limelight, but without engineering, production and marketing expertise, they would have had great looking technology that never got to market and didn’t work. At Algood, we have learned that it takes a well-balanced company with a team of contributors to achieve success.

The Law of LeBron also applies to the iron triangle of pricing, quality and timing that I wrote about last month. We are proud that our customers don’t have to sacrifice any one of those to get the other two but we also realize that each of those components contributes equally to our success. If you think that great pricing in the absence of a quality product is going to save your butt, think again. Many years ago I was at the Neocon furniture show and there was a vendor taking orders for office chairs at an advertised price that was a fraction of any other supplier. It turned out that he couldn’t deliver the chars at that price and what he was really doing is collecting business cards. He’s not in business today.

For us, one of the benefits of having an integrated manufacturing facility is that everyday we are reminded that every one of our teams contributes to our success. While it’s tempting for the engineers and designers or the guys in the tool and die area or the injection moulding operators or even me as the President, to think that our contribution is the greatest, it ‘s just not true.

The Law of LeBron proves that the recipe for success includes a large helping of humility and a holistic, balanced, team approach in order to guarantee success. Perhaps more than any of his contributions to basketball, what we should really be thanking LeBron for is an important business and life lesson.

1 (800) 254-6633

Algood Casters has manufactured, designed and developed industrial and specialty casters, brakes and wheels since 1969, in capacities from 25 to 65,000 lbs.